As disgraceful as this display is, it does mean that I have a chance to catch more of the game after work today.
As disgraceful as this display is, it does mean that I have a chance to catch more of the game after work today.
Finally! Justice has been served!
I’ve noticed a few reasons why this title by Leicester is so remarkable and unbelievable.
although manager Dusty Baker might wince at the thought of putting back-to-back lefties in the middle of his lineup, I don’t think he really has any other choice.
With the powerhouse Phillies coming to town. I do not see things improving for the Cardinals.
Why would I call it a grilled tomato and cheese if it has prosciutto, pancetta, bacon, and tomato on it?
RAPTORS: “No matter what, we’re still Canada’s Champs”/ “Peu importe, nous sommes toujours Champs du Canada!”
Yea. It’s like how they keep doing all these Golden State Warriors articles, but I have yet to see any headlines like “Spurs Aim to Have a Very Good Season” or “Heat Would Be Satisfied With Eastern Conference Finals Appearance.”
The best party in England is on par with the 3rd worst party anywhere else.
A bunch of my friends run the This Is Hardcore fest in Philly. I am not a huge hardcore fan. But I will swing by each year if Civ or Gorilla Biscuits are playing.
Wrecking Ball in Atlanta has Drive Like Jehu, Dinosaur Jr, L7, Quicksand, Gorilla Biscuits, Civ, Burn, Thursday, The Promise Ring and band called Diarrhea Planet.
I actually used to work in the gift shop of a bear spa. Well, it was more than a gift shop, it had toiletries and stuff for the bears. You know in case the bears forgot anything. Or if they liked a product we used, they could take it back to the den with them. As much as we liked to provide a relaxing atmosphere for…
It really shows you how far goverment is starting to reach.
I have no idea who Caril Airds is.
UPDATE: We would like to apologize for the accusation that Manti Te’o may have possibly killed his girlfriend and kidnapped her family. Sorry.
Only, and ONLY, if you use Paddle Controller.
That’s possible, but you cannot even see their butts in this picture.
I am glad to see somebody raise awareness of the plight of FIFA ‘16 Create A Player players.