Jack Dick Tator

I wouldn't be surprised if this were true, and I also wouldn't be surprised if the letter was some ruse written to Bolton, trying to lure him out so less army is needed.

This article talks about Lynch adding and changing things, and envisioning things in ways that the fans think Herbert would not have approved, but what the author and the fans seem to forget is that Frank Herbert himself spent quite a bit of time working on this film with Lynch and co. He wrote about it in some detail…

Weed is condensed into "dabs", a waxy, super thc concentrate, the processing of which is actually dangerous, which is new for weed, and requires special types of vape devices.

"Incredibly less dangerous".

PS - something being good as a pesticide does not mean it's bad for humans. You don't have the same physiology as a cockroach do you?

Well, stop taking MY word for it. A quick google search for "nicotine health benefits" will clue you in better than I can.

30 year habit kicked here too, and furthermore, vaping IS NOT TOBACCO. That's the whole frakking point. Never mind the studies coming from outside the US lobby-sphere that say it's pretty damn safe, or the fact that nicotine, when not consumed via tobacco actually has health benefits…