Jack Davis

It’s true. Lin has always been casually written off as a novelty by his detractors who refuse to consider his career from a statistical basis or the contingencies—unfavorable roster situations or injuries—that have shaped his career. Linsanity and his enduring popularity among specific niches/demographics have only

I’m not a big Barstool guy and always prefer to read Deadspin, but...

This is a euphemism, right?

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

why even announce the stand?

This is exactly why you say “the late Ken Ravizza” when you bring up a name like that (to save someone from making this mistake in the next sentence).

I probably should; the stuff I had seen before didn’t have as much dead to rights proof that it’s him as that thread does.

Sorry, Malcolm.  Life is unfair.

Every single bit of demographic research into wrestling fans says otherwise.

You don’t have to move the goalposts.  You can just say, “Oh, I didn’t notice that the first time.”

Lmao you’re a disaster of a person. 

Fuck me, this is the first comment to make me actually laugh out loud in a while. 

Exactly why your mom should not have brought you to work.

The dad literally grabs the kid by the back of his shirt and tugs him down.

I got kicked out of a strip club for the same behavior when I was that kid’s age. 

There is a reason they say “per serving” and that’s because the “per pound” price is insanity.  You can get higher quality (and fresher!) proteins from local sources for about 1/3 this price per pound.

There is a reason they say “per serving” and that’s because the “per pound” price is insanity.  You can get higher

Nah, that’s just your nostalgia speaking. Resident Evil 2 was one of my top 3 games, and this has improved upon it in almost every way.

It did go in, though!  It was absolutely over the goal line, it just bounced back out due to the insane amount of backspin.  Both the header gif and the video show this.  This is a failure of refereeing, not physics.

Three MLB games? I thought the doubleheader was against the Orioles.