Alexander Salamander

I will always shame people for liking things that I think are dumb. But I'm a dick like that.

In the Mouth of Madness. Creepy. Lovecraftian. And the first movie I saw that ended with the villains winning. Between this and Event Horizon, I have to wonder if Sam Neill didn't enjoy scaring the crap out of people.

The scene in the mental hospital SCARRED me. Any movie that helped inspire Silent Hill will make you change your undies.

I know a lot of people may not remember this movie.. The Changling with George C. Scott.. When that wet ball came bouncing down the stairs..

Am I the only one creeped out by the name "Webdriver Torso"?

Wasn't the Wright man for the job huh? I'm antsy to see who the new director will be.

God, I miss Frisky Dingo.

Every time

This will forever be my favorite Youtube video.

Final Wars is goofy, but it has ALL the kaiju. My personal favorite moment - Zilla, aka the mutated iguana from the American Godzilla - attacks Sydney. When the real Godzilla shows up, Zilla, rendered totally in CGI, gets his ass kicked in less than a minute by the traditional man-in-a-suit Godzilla. One of the aliens

I watched that episode just now. My only response: HOLY SHIT.

I am "calculating response."

How about an article listing great movies that use none, or practicality no VFX? Gattaca for example.

Bushido blade needs to make a comeback, with PS Move control compatibility.

I am stealing canonica non grata for my vocab. Thanks.

Thomas Covenant was a very detailed character and the scene with the rape was utterly repulsive and made you dislike the character intensely.

How EU-derived is most of this info and therefore canonica non grata on a go-forward basis?