Alexander Salamander

I think The Martian is a great one too! He's not really discovering or inventing anything new, but he's so clever and cool with his sciencey know-how, figuring out each little step to survive in the most extreme possible environment. It really made me wish I knew what he was talking about more.

Now and Then, Here and There

"Perfect Blue (...) honestly could easily have been filmed in live-action" It was

Ooh! Next we can have Adam Sandler's Automan!

Garth Ennis' Crossed just goes way to far. It's like he read The Walking Dead and thought "I can make this 10 times more disturbing." I read halfway through the first trade before I didn't want to pick it up anymore.


While his response is odd... I find this post a bit more troubling. It seems like this post is saying "we're going with Temkin's version of events happened, but..."

Marvel's Brother Voodoo, and, let me tell you why.

At least no no no no harm has come my way.

Does your hallway move? like the ocean moves?

Let's hope Orson Scott Card doesn't find out about that anagram of ansible — it might break his heart to find out that Ender's victory is only possible due to lesbians.

Day One.

As far as the next Hulk movie they should just stop with the Hulk vs one villain and just do a balls to the wall trilogy movie based on...


if you've never seen this movie, prepare to have your ass rocked off your ass.

I just want to see a Merman.

This movie (Dredd) deserved all the success :