
Shit, a story from where I actually live. o_o I’ve driven by her car daily on the way to work, never assumed people would have an issue with it, infact I always assumed those lay-bys along the road were for parking anyway, wtf else would they be for? Pretty ashamed by the people around here right now, didn’t realise

Hi there.

But is it a trap when its intentions are so clear?

It’s a literal death trap

You know......*if* you were in the market for something retro-futuristic either as a showpiece or as a movie car for a low budget film, this car is NP. Give it a silver wrap or respray and add some prop lights inside and people will have no clue what it is underneath and they won’t care.

Mm. Cool.

What the hell is this widebody Chrysler 300 SRT with Dodge Demon wheels?

Our man Jason Torchinsky is cruising around Spain in a Seat 1200 Sport, as one does. What’s the Spanish for hot take? Whatever that is, expect it soon!

It took me a second but I think the rear trailer snapped off. You can actually see the little carriage in the second photo. I’m amazed they would carry something that long on a truck during day time hours.

...they completely invented? Come on, the Sun is Murdoch’s Tabloid wing and is another one of those English tabloids which never print the truth if there is a better lie. They are shilling hard for the UK’s own Conservative party in their upcoming Election and they are running on the same sort of vote right wing

Just for you, Jason:

This is my car :) The “Derelict” idea spoke to me as a person who annoys my lady (and myself) because I won’t park my car just anywhere or dare hand over the keys to a valet (side note, handing these keys to a valet and watching them sort it out might be worth it’s weight in comedy). And, I’ve always had a thing for

My Mini Cooper S used to get me mugged all the time.

Well, since it has the exact same license plate I’d say it’s the same one. The wheels are a clever disguise however.

Oddly enough there is another one for sale in of all places New Hampshire at the same mileage, slightly different price, in the same color but with different wheels. Could this be a bait and switch?

My favorite one of the bunch.

Physics pedants will tell you there's no such thing as Centrifuckitall force, but I just saw it in action.

I have a horrible premonition that the last thing I see will be a BMW SUV driven by some dick sore on a cell phone.