Jack Chameleo

You've got some waiting to do; they didn't get hitched until 1971, te same year Masters divorced Libby. :P. They were at this a while.

@33:30 Masters tells Virginia (when she tells him the fliers were dumped) that "Hendricks guaranteed me the study would not be interfered with!"
@33:56 Virginia tells Masters "most of our patients will be negro subjects," and Masters concurs. After all, they're only advertising in a black hospital, lol. Masters

…but he just told Masters in the immediately previous scene that they are the same and that he admired how he showed the vagina footage without reservation and was willing to get fired for progress?

Yeah, kinda…by the way, *I* missed the empty mirror, lol!

What is Hendricks agreeing to by taking down the flier, by who's request? Is there explicit evidence or foreshadowing to support this?

HA! That's because by the 70's everybody had wacky 'pot buddies', lol!

A lot of good calls there :) I do stand by my interpretation of Hendricks below, though. He threw away the flier inside the BLACK HOSPITAL right after he gave that stirring speech about evangelizing NEW WHITE PATIENTS. Your argument certainly sounds like a good reason for a politically correct institution to quash

Hendricks wasn't being sinister at all. He was trying to subversively motivate Masters to actively push to get white patients into his hospital. He believes he needs Masters' patient aquisition to be as forceful (as opposed to passive) as his own to bring about desegregation. Remember, Masters was content to draw

I'm scouring the internet for places where I can insist that this episode wins this show an Emmy.

I'd love to see a Buddy Christ sitcom starring a Jeff Bridges lookalike =j

Hey now, "Noah" was awesome, all the kneejerks need to shutup and go see it. That movie gave me the feels, yo.

Now that's just not in the humorous spirit of things.

"Hey, JEEZY! Wat's happeninin', dawg???"

lol, whose wood? Judas's? It all makes sense now…


"do" more.

cock-blocking is NOT "sexual abuse", dude.

Let's not turn away the anxious possible-watchers; *there was no jellybean rape scene*.

Whoever wrote this article must not be sure which character is Rick and which character is Morty. The two names are confused all over the article and both lines of dialog in a conversation are attributed to the same character (Morty) in the "Observations" section!

I came here for insight and found a screedy opinion-piece. Moving on…