Yes. Running into anyone who does anything unexpected is riding outside your skill set.
Yes. Running into anyone who does anything unexpected is riding outside your skill set.
Yes. If he was not keeping a safe enough distance to panic stop in time then yes he was riding outside of his skillset.
That cyclist is American. Accent sounds vaguely New York-ish, which might explain the assholery.
Seriously??? In my 53 years on this rock I have never had one single issue with the police. Not one. You really need to loosen up that tinfoil hat, it’s cutting off blood circulation to your brain.
If the chinstrap is impairing the rider’s ability to breathe, should it be cut if you have a safe way of doing so (e.g. shears), or might that cause other issues?
I also always give the wave to people who scooch over. Something so civil and sort of humanity reaffirming about vehicle drivers who do that.
Fair enough- good thing the suspension is the best place to start for upgrades!
Andrew-Where are the WR updates you promised about this?
I have an idea for a captivating and talented writer that has been inspiring others:
Will you tell them that their job is secure enough to buy a new truck with payments, then fire them and disappear them down the memory hole as soon as they take delivery?
Fires Sean. Posts position for new writer on Jelopnic. Things that make you go hmmmmm.
Lanesplitter: Where dumbfuck, non-riding editors post non-relevant bullshit, because they don’t know from fuck, since Sean was fired.
Ok, so Lanesplitter is officially dead. I’m sorry, but a page that does nothing but feature old ass motorcycle crashes and shenanigans already exits everywhere else on the internet. I mean, if Gawker is going to put zero effort in, why have Lanesplitter in the first place?!!
Fuck knows the last thing you fuckers seem…
guys, you might as well just wind down Lanesplitter. I appreciate that you fought the good fight, but it’s clear where Gawker’s priorities are, and Lanesplitter isn’t on the list. half-heartedly trying to keep it going with the helmet cam vid du jour isn’t fulfilling the original goal of making motorcycle journalism…
Cut all original content and only run clickbait link posts.
Nothing against you, Justin, but I can’t wait for an explanation for what the fuck is going on with the future of sub-blogs and really just Jalopnik in general. Not your call, but wow, this ain’t pretty at all.
Welcome to the new Lanesplitter Two Wheels Bad.
Anyone know a better site than Gawker/Jalopnik? These articles are getting super lame.
So on a scale of “forget it” to “for sure,” how likely do you really think the CRF Rally is to becoming reality?