Jack Salkild

Fucking good looking bike.

Bikes like this (and the duc scrambler, triumph modern classics etc) should be celebrated for enticing so many more new riders than shiny cruisers or plastic sport bikes ever could. Bravo Yamaha

Articles like that are so... Antiquated.

It’s funny that the more these clowns rail against anything with a clean, simple style by calling it hipster, the more out of touch they come across.

Anyone know what boots they are in the opening gif and at 55 secs?

Great writing

Do you have any association with Racer or the owners?

“Intentional” ?!

Everyone reading this would do the same. Next time you’re turning a corner and something bumps, leans against or otherwise applies pressure to your outer leg, you will certainly kick it off.
What is the other option? Continue to take the corner while someone is leaning ONTO you?

It’s not, but I’m with you.
First company to make an ADV version of one of these helmets can have my money. All my money.

Worried about the cost of insurance, but still have your heart set on a brand new bike? That’s kind of incongruous logic mate.

I think a lot of consumers, like myself, wouldn’t buy into the hype of a new helmet brand. It’s tricky waters when you’re competing with Shoei, Arai, AGV and Bell.

You’re ignorant

That’s the joke Einstein

Absolutely. 12 minutes isn’t bad for a metro response, but not great. Our average in NSW (for code 1 calls) is 7.65 minutes, and obviously faster in Sydney.

Oh man. Thanks for sharing this.
This is my ultimate dream job once I finish my degree.

I personally don’t think radiators look good on a classic styled bike. Still pretty pumped to see the new offerings

As much as this helmet’s features may not be noticed by any but the most experienced track riders, it’s supposed flaws won’t be noticed by almost any street riders.

weight reduction bro

I know what you mean with the GTI/Jeep etc analogies, but I gotta disagree.

My god... How fucking cliquey can you get people?
It’s basically a DRESS UP PARTY FOR CHARITY, and yet the fun-police are here to moan about “Hipsterdom” ruining the “REAL” spirit of motorcycles.

How about you all just put down your subsubsub-culture factional flags for a moment and just appreciate that MOTORCYCLISTS

“group-rides made up of sport-bike riders will have its number of douchebags. And how groups of harley riders will always have their wanna-be-self-proclaimed badasses who are nothing more than a bunch of fat worthless turds”

Calm down