Honestly stunned to see TAZ on here. It’s the first thing that sprung to mind, but then I was like “Nah they were more noteworthy for MBMBaM”. Kudos for committing to the assertion. Adventure Zone was often messy and at its worst tryhard, but there were moments of sheer absolute joy, both pre-planned and…
Yes all of these things 100%. This guy gets it.
While the new iteration Prey has plenty of flaws compared to the original, “person with no muscles kills the predator” is absolutely NOT one of them. The whole arc of Predator 1 is that Aaahnold’s big guns and big muscles don’t really end up helping him. It’s his wits and his ability to use old-school survival skills,…
It’s a far cry from
You read my friggin mind, sir
From what I heard about the Tears of the Kingdom’s development, the hardware is showing its age internally. So I expect they’ll WANT to put out a new console announcement or even a launch in 2024. Their own conservative business practices may get in the way of that, though. Never bet on Nintendo doing anything conventi…
Wouldn’t it be insight? Both stem from WIS, but some PCs may have proficiency
Maybe like the toothpaste they also came from Italy? That would definitely explain why they are unused.
“Video Game Gear” A Game Gear that plays Videos, you say?
Looking at all the un-self-aware folks desperately coping in the face of their own refusal to think deeply about, much less control, their purchase decisions. It’s like rats in a skinner box justifying being experimented upon their whole lives. Just keep furiously hammering on that button! We promise it will bring deli…
So I’m sure that since Kotaku never reported on the remake, all the dumb shits who say stuff like “Annnnd it’s gone... way to go kotaku” in comments on articles will come flocking here to admit that they are wrong. Yep. Any second now.
1920 x 1080 (Maybe a little SNES 256×224)
Giving up your data and contributing to a dehumanizing way to separate labor from product is far from “free”. McD’s wants people to use these technologies to not think about things like drive thru lines or kitchen wait times or product shortages or stressed out teenagers. PUSH BUTTON GET FOOD is not the reality.
Well based on your name and PFP we can safely assume what your fav FF is and why you dislike this game. (<irony>It’s “Crystal Chronicles” ....right? </irony>)
an unnecessary statistic that instills a false sense of pride. Why should I be proud that I brush my teeth more frequently than 90% of players?
Ok so it’s not related to spending, then? What you’re referring to has been around since arcade games in the 70s.