
So... what was the tweet?

Dates you as awesome. Bob Saget was amazing on that show. So cheesy, so horrible, so awesome.

What if you sleep in all the positions? I cannot find a good pillow.

Should have put "Jobs" at the end.

They're being forced to put them on. It's not a factual warning, but a sway to control how people perceive the product.

I never read the books. It's not a great movie, but enjoyable enough to watch.

I actually liked Percy Jackson

Check out my previous comment. Make sure you allow scripts/don't block anything.

I went to the phone size link, and both OG Droid and Nexus were about the same size. I thought "WTF?" Then I allowed the site through NoScript and what a difference!

I was trying to promote this, but it won't let me. So I'll reply and it should promote it.

Great idea about the kiddie pool. My wife bought a cheap one because she (for some reason) thought our dog would enjoy it. He didn't. She kept it around and now we finally have a reason to use it.

I didn't know people stored their milk in the door. We just put ours on the top shelf (it's our "drink" shelf).

Phew! I'm glad the Nexus Prime is getting ICS. I was worried for a second.

Entering a vehicle in air is a myth? Really? It's a BF staple.

I feel the same way. I'm not blown away as most reviewers are by the story. It's interesting, but not OH MY GOD!

I thought "wow, that guy can't shoot" in that next to last clip. Then he teabagged the body.

Shakespeare loves a good fart joke. Get over yourself.

I concur! Get a nice grand beef, hell throw in some spicy sausage too. You control what you want in the jerky and it's a lot cheaper. I usually do a pound of ground beef when I dehydrate steaks. Great to munch on at work.

You had me at dildobat.

That outfit isn't even close.