
Members Mark makes great TP/towels. I recommend them (MM is Sam's Club).

Which wasn't very good.

Is it weird I don't have brand royalty? I just get what's good.

So sprinkle it in the bag?

I'm a Pop Tart connoisseur and Walmart ones aren't bad. Don't get Winn Dixie ones though. Bleh.

This is disappointing and alarming. By far, the best feature of the Kindle is the app across platforms.

Quite a few errors/typos in this post.

You know, I actually just blame them.

Just don't like all the white.

Thank you for that. My favorite show on TV.

I need to go back. I have a nice setup (great gym, iPad/headset, etc), but it's just so hard to be motivated.

Glad to see Ace get work after leaving Gary.

So annoying when people bash Taco Bell, even though it's not the point of the story. Taco Bell is good, cheap food.

Someone PM'd me on suggestions to get started. Here's what I said to him. Thought I'd add it here if anyone else is interested.

I'm able to read, but re-reading causes issue.

I've read in dreams before. Though, if you read something and go back to it, it usually changes.

My hand is my "tell" to let me know I'm dreaming. Usually they have an extra finger or something else weird, and I know I'm dreaming.

NBC should sue Apple!

Another difficulty in lucid dreaming: Once you realize you're dreaming, it's hard to keep dreaming. They say to spin around to keep asleep, but I've had mixed results with that.

I'm a lucid dreamer, getting very good at it. For example, just last night I had a dream where I was surrounded by a lot of people. I even asked one of them if they've seen "Inception." I then asked the person how does it feel to be a figment of my imagination, basically being a method actor for the person I want them