
I'm hoping they rediscover humans with common sense. They've been extinct too long.

I must be weird because I enjoy picking them off with my fingernails

So if I drop you in the middle of nowhere, 5 states over, you can find your way home without issue?

Turn right in 2.4 parcecs.

Really? Not choose lane 13? Honestly, that's just stupid. Besides, not all lanes are even open at all times.

I need to go back to the GA aquarium again. If this is the area I'm thinking, there's a big encased walkway going through the middle.

Crackle is available for Android already. Though, I hear it's not too good (too many advertisements).

Sexy knitting? Sold!

To the left... to the left... to the left... to the right... to the right...


Is there any more news? Or is just a late response to the announcement a while back?

But will it bend?

Just updated. Can't find a place to turn on Push: Still only has refresh intervals.

Well said. Reminds me of True Blood a couple weeks ago where "Christians" were boycotting "fangbangers" and Hoyt said that if you were a true Christian, you'd have love in your heart, not hate.

Those people who murder aren't Christians or "Jesus freaks." They're just freaks. True Christians are tolerant and loving, not hateful and murdering.

Way to steal my joke!

The headline is in poor taste— the poor man can't chew.

Women in their 80s shouldn't pretend their 60 either.

Ask the wife.