
I think that's why people enjoy beans so much.

XKCD alt tags did this joke already.

Hehe, releasing juice sacks.

"The judge ruled that Villanova shouldn't have expected privacy because he was on a public street anyway."

The Bionic is the other phone that may compete for the Droid 3 spot. Both are Moto, so I'm worried about bootloaders as I root my phone.

I'm still rocking an OG Droid, which I love. My contract is up in December so I'll be upgrading then. Unless something better comes along, this is my next phone.

Kind of looks like a contact lens, which means we're even closer to having a full, Internet-connected HUD!

It's not the barrel, but the magazine, buddy.

I dislike Charter, but I have to give props to their Twitter team. The guy worked with me and answered all my questions. I'll tweet before I call Charter from here on out.

The first sentence makes me think it enhances security or something.

Forget a link? May not want to hit "post" until you double check it. Especially for such a short one.

If it can, I'll download it. Otherwise, meh.

No, Apple loves to use that excuse to knock better apps.

I like how "Freddie Freeloader" was on as a track.

Great camera, horrible directing. Pro tip: When you're showing the moneyshot, you don't cut away to the guy's face.

You never heard the term "assbite" or "buttmunch?"

I thought it was a good tine.

Perhaps I misread (or perhaps it was an edit), but I thought it said users could submit photos.

The one and only Jack Burnt! Been using it from the beginning of time (or mid-90s)

Whenever someone can review something, you have douchenozzles who troll the ratings. That's my concern.