Jack Boothe, PhD

To hell with you. I stopped reading at the uneducated Trump fan base comment. I probably have more of an education than your dumb ass does. Crawl back under your rock f*ckstick.

. The home was big, it was close to my in-game office

I don’t know, I am person that can like more than one thing. I love both Star Trek and Star Wars, I don’t see a need to choose a side.

I saw John Waters at a bar once. Not only was he not an asshole when I asked if I could take a picture with him, but he bought me a drink and chatted for 15 minutes or so.

Now, Dredd was exactly how you should make an action film. Tight Budgets force creativity, look at Deadpool as a perfect example of that premise

It’s because they tend to dumb down the story because the box office doesn’t reward them for it. There are good action movies but.yku have to dig. Have you seen the last Dredd?

Rockstar is amazing, they still continue to deliver free content, vehicles & playmodes for free. Other d bag companies lock their content behind paywalls even stripping out already materials from completed games & marking them up at a premium slapping players in their faces right on launch date calling them DLC &

Seriously, enough already. Stop encouraging the stooopid.

By this rationale, the next film should be amazing. Let’s just hope that Shia LeBeouf is still flailing his arms in front of an internet cam and is too busy to participate.

Love these more than anything because of how much they remind me of San Francisco Rush. Particularly, the open stunt levels.