Jack Bonar

I mean is it really our job to be outraged for the citizens of Japan when they seem to feel no outrage at this situation?

Uproar over cultural appropriation is BS 99% of the time. I think culture if too often conflated with ethnicity as well. It’s natural for culture to spread.

I’m still hurt its not Lei.

Yes, a steaming, hot pile of shit.

Troll, you trippin’. lol Go the fuck to bed.

“He said now he’s settled down with a wife, he’s afraid she’d want him to stuff her,” he goes on. Them Poles are a persevere lot.” For anyone not familiar, that’s a reference to Geralt and Yennifer’s penchant for copulating on the back of a stuffed unicorn.

Yup, now even dismissing comments that were agreeable, because those comments in turn got replies that challenged the echo-chamber in some marginal way. It’s really sad.

He also seems to have dismissed every single comment that disagreed with his.


Are you going to post this on every article about Kingdom Come? j/w since you’ve done such so far.

I’m inclined to believe the reviewer. My read of the trailer was that the movie seems to string together obvious observations that audiences can make on their own by watching the original. If this movie also lacks a lot of the biographical detail from the book, then what’s the point? You’re probably better served

Every time I see this comment, I feel very fortunate to have room in my life for two fighting games.

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

Damn, NFLers usually only inflict that much damage on their wives and girlfriends.

See, if he simply played tight end, this wouldn't be an issue...

As a Michigan alum I hate defending OSU. But even I will say that the VTech team they lost to was in the second game of the year where they started a redshirt freshman quarterback. And then they got reps together and the chemistry was formed and they proceeded to wreck the shit out of people the rest of the year.

I choose to interpret it as a sign of feminist alliance, miming a castration gesture in solidarity with rape survivors: a gesture that signals the importance of punishing offenders and standing up for victims. Or, they could just be happy as fuck that they beat the shit out FSU's felonious morons, thiefs & rapists.

I hope it's mom's job to teach their daughter how to use a tampon.