Jack Bonar

Such a great game. This and Witcher 3 are the two games that I would never trade in or lend out, and for most people Horizon is way more accessible, plus it’s more universal with its Teen rating. The Killzones are get relegated to launch titles that everyon forgets once the newest gen Sony system hits its stride and

At this point I assume they are counting in tally marks. Like you would to keep track of your number of confirmed kills. That would make way more sense than the whole Roman numeral debate.

As crazy as it is I’m considering buying the Vita for the 3rd time. Got rid of my imported orange model awhile back and I recently looked at the ridiculous amount of games I own on the PSN that I can’t currently play now that I’m left with only a PS4 and a Japanese PS2. But then I think about the Vita I’d want and

SO you’re saying I should buy two copies?

So nothing good coming in March then. Unless you count Let Me In which really has only one thing going for it to where it has some value that redeems it in relation to the superior original movie, that being the special effects. The sunlight coming into that hospital window, that whole scene looked really great.

Call me when someone hits max level from going all out Hacksaw Ridge mode. I’d buy COD that year...

Obviously I guarantee no one hasn’t ever read the words printed one that game disc until now. You wanna know how I know? Because no one reported it to the entire world via the internet along with a recap of every other mundane event they experienced that day. So obviously it just went completely ignored for 13

Baiting me into clicking on the title of this article was just cruel. Messing with ny emotions like that. You feel good about yourself? Toying with me?

Thank you for your honest review. I thought it was shallow and didn’t reveal anything about Wiseau that couldn’t be gained from reading a one page article about the making of The Room. I also thought Franco’s impression was pretty weak, and I usually like him.

I have the exact same problem and no time for the games I already have but the first one was so good I almost have to get it. Will be going with the PS4/Vita version which I’m assuming is crossplay, I hope.

To answer your question(s), um no. No thank you.

Thank you for saying that. I’ve been thinking lately that maybe we need to implement a reverse Logan’s Run policy to take care of the problem where everyone UNDER 30 would go to Carousel. Then we as a society just start over and spawn another generation after we figure out what went wrong with the Millennials.  Just

I think some people seeing this headline are in for a little disappointment if they are going in expecting the show’s message to blast only one side and not point out anything wrong with the cycle of aggression and violence that both sides fed. Those guys are very centrist and no one is safe from ridicule. And in

He never called it a hoax. He said that the left was using a disaster to further their agenda on climate change. Find a quote that says otherwise. Sigh... yet another website I have to tell my phone not to give me stories from.

When are people gonna start talking about the one problem in this country that affects all other issues, about class and the distribution of wealth?

Finally got Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 from Walmart of all places for 31 instead of the 39 it is everywhere else. So that, plus I am still nowhere near finished with the Witcher 3 and I need to see it through to the end, which fortunately no one has spoiled for me yet.

What else is on Comedy Central? Heavily edited movies? They stopped showing Kids in the Hall reruns years ago, Stewart, Colbert, and Chappelle are long gone. South Park is all they have left.

Parker and Stone seem to be cool with file sharing according to the Napster episode.  Just saying is all.

Browns and Bengals fans are in other states as well as Ohio. I'm from the Ohio River Valley (Eastern Ohio) and over on the West Virginia side of the river where I live I'm not the only Browns fan here. There's a restaurant in downtown Wheeling, WV (right across from the suspension bridge to Wheeling Island, which

As a Browns fan I'm pretty pumped about this. I've always kind of suspected that the majority of pro sports are rigged and if the TV networks are gonna start profiting off of the Cleveland Browns then maybe more calls start going our way. As long as Johnny isn't absolutely terrible the Browns stand to gain a lot