Jack Blackstone

That would be an interesting twist on gender roles. She used the game as a a way to put down his guard and when he was under the influence of mountain dew took advantage of him!

The cosmic ramifications of this rating are too damn high!

What if his parents are merely apathetic. Not mean but simply uncaring?

That is because its bigger then the US. Its the league of nations that's pulling the strings.

Some things should stay ambiguous Mr.Cappadocius.

Perhaps its difficult to control humans or only the weak minded or emotional can be controlled.

I think Beth went crazy in that universe.

I am Canadian so could you tell me what American navy men do?

I read that in Ricks voice.

As a pig farmer and planter of GMO corn you have my sympathies. There are too many people who are ignorant about what they eat.

Why is she a bitch? Lsp is WAY more of a bitch. She vandalizes Breakfast Princesses castle, stole her stuff and almost killed her. Lsp is a hobo who craves attention and deserves to be in princess prison!