If they manage to hang onto Garoppolo (doubtful), they could potentially extend the run. There’s obviously no way McDaniels come close to Belichick, though.
If they manage to hang onto Garoppolo (doubtful), they could potentially extend the run. There’s obviously no way McDaniels come close to Belichick, though.
It seems you didn’t read the article or look at the graphics. The Boston segregation ranking is due to Hispanics, not blacks. This is considered to be the result of “traditional patterns of ethnic immigration” according to the article.
It’s never been known to the typical fan until recently, like the past few days. He’s been successfully sued three times for this, but it’s never been brought up in any conversation I’ve ever heard about Peyton. It was there, but you had be tipped off to it. I actually found out about a month ago, after the HGH…
Lol - Aaron Hernandez? So, the old-boys network banded together and buried the story? The national media protected Hernandez? Hernandez turned out to be a killer. Peyton, low as he is (and he is pretty low) isn’t a killer. Just not making sense.
I was about to disagree with you, then I read your last paragraph. That made a lot of sense.
They were so unintimidated, they called 911. If two goons showed up on my doorstep claiming to be cops and refused to produce a badge, I sure as hell would’ve called 911 too.
True, nobody cares. But, there’s a small technicality. It’s against the rules. So, that would make Peyton Manning, technically, a cheater. Just like Tom Brady. But, why did the NFL care SO MUCH about Brady’s cheating (which actually may not have been cheating if you believe in science), yet turn a blind eye to…
Omg, it’s so funny. I love these sanctimonious fans who pretend to be happy losing. New flash: your teams cheat anyway! They just suck at football.
What’s problem with Quincy? Although at least you got the pronunciation right.
A hearty cheer for your honesty and acumen.
The Spurs have Tim Duncan and the best supporting cast in NBA history. The Pats have won with a bunch of no-names, including a sixth-rounder name Brady, in a league designed for parity. The owners are basically trying to take them down for anything they possibly can find. Plus, the Patriots do exploit loopholes -…
The stories in the ESPN article sound like old wive’s tales about the bogey-man, Bill Bellichick. Only two of 90 sources identified. Just make up whatever shit you want, ESPN will go ahead and publish it as long is it’s anti-Pats babble.
Ultra-naive post. Didn’t you see the part of the ESPN article that said the owners wanted Goodell to come down hard on the Pats because, hilariously, they believe he took it easy on them for Spygate (confiscated first-round pick for one game “illegally (but not really)“ filmed.
There are limits to the power of the agreement. The process has to be fair. There has to precedent and notice. The rules wrt equipment tampering must be respected. None of this happened.