
This is true to an extent, but we need to focus on stopping the bleeding instead of picking the scab.

Sure you did.

I think we can start by laying off half of the million+ federal employees.

Spending more money than you have isn’t a good idea. There must be cuts. If I can’t live that way without destroying my life, what makes you think our country can survive doing the same thing.

I agree, social security should be paid out to everyone who contributed. However, we can blame our government for tapping into social security over the years and spending that money without paying it back. The problem is that we will eventually won’t have any money to pay out. I’m not sure how we fix that without

You’re surely mistaken. Of course the president has a major influence in terms of how federal tax dollars are spent. How about OBAMA CARE.

I couldn’t agree more. That money was spent many years ago, thanks to our money hungry politicians. You can’t withdraw from a bank when you’re already overdrawn.

Again, another slam without any evidence to the contrary. Typical.

Actually, for the most part, we do. Not that we necessarily should though.

Did you know that they’re both financially poor decisions?

Its been established that she IS a liar. There are countless video of her contradictions all over YouTube. Check it out.

Presenting no counter argument, typical.

Thank your politicians for spending that money many years ago.