Jack Skitt

@GreasyPig: Very slim they were updates a few months ago

Iv got a better solution get bigger curtains!

Microsoft could use this to measure people would speed up some enterprise by quite abit.

469 steps...can somebody made a machine to make this machine?

Looks like RIM's design team didn't die... They just hired a load of builders to stick a hinge on the screen

instead of using a custom mag safe couldn't they just put a slot for the mag safe plug to slide into?

@gthing: Yes install apps from any source , iTunes manages the frameworks of the app and makes sure its run properly first time

@RsK: yeah £25 for a disk its really good value. and iWorks is alot cheaper than office suite

@RubiksCube: but that means for the betas that you will have more game centre apps more multi tasking apps native to the iPad

@El Guano: Its been doing that for all version for me

@Gary_7vn: I think the iPhone 4 is a lot less slippery than the 3gs the plastic back on it was really bad

@ant1pathy: if they keep the same design that wont be a problem as the external antenna solved this problem

Out wednesday back to work friday

@tomsomething: But then we wont need any fires to melt it, you cant lose!

@Zinger314: Then we can freeze our urine and make more glaciers, the ultimate cycle of nature!

Genius! we can drink our way out of rising sea levels

@mexi1010: where have you been for the past 10 years?