I love you too, Jack :)
I love you too, Jack :)
Some employers will take it a step further.
The billions of dollars and countless hours that ideologically driven employers waste in order to squash the right of employees to organize and protect themselves is not just wrong, it usually damages the employer itself in lost productivity, morale and expertise in the workplace.
No one in government controls wealth and power - they are all slaves to it.
What did she expect?
She’s been in the general orbit of Fucktard McFuckface for years. What did she expect? Seriously? 45 is an asshat who wore his racism, xenophobia, misogyny and bigotry on his sleeve for decades and pretty much said he was going to surround himself with people who shared his views and was going to do what he could to…
Hey Roy. God already took care of it. You lost. That was the plan. Why are you defying God’s will?
They only belive in “everything is part of gods plan” when it involves the stuff they like.
My guess is they compared the receipt (which contains the courtesy card number, date, time, and register) with the video camera that is undoubtedly trained on the register and also produces footage that is time and date stamped and when the cashier watched the 5 minutes of footage that comprised this transaction they…
“....and endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...well, everyone except for the negroes and the faggots and kikes and the mooslems...and, come to think of it, let’s just scratch that “women” part I said, too.”
Fucking hayseed. Onward to the future!!!
“Today, we no longer recognize the universal truth that God is the author of our life and liberty,” Moore said of the election results. “Abortion, sodomy, and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Presumably the whole counterfeit bill thing made it stand out.
Yo, read that again homie.
Mueller? ha ha
I can see entire shelfs in University libraries engulfed with tell-alls from this administration. Probably some of these guys will make more from the publishing opportunities than they will from sticking with this admonistration until it is indicted like a botched circumcision.
The Smithereens - Blood and Roses
“Somebody get me Steve Harvey...”
just lyin’ in a bar with my drip feed on
House Negroes still catch the whip at the end of the day