jack scheiße

Also, just for the record...

At long last Trump’s voter fraud commission finds evidence!


The rats are preparing the lifeboats.

Huh, I starred his comment then read yours... I love loons! Nothing like a quiet fall night on a lake, with them calling in the distance...

A majority of black people were so okay with the possibility of a racist, pedophile, lgbtq hating psychopath, they didn’t even get off their ass to prevent that.

Guns, abortion, and a cultural preference towards white, male authority 

Because a lot of people still believe in being racist and homophobic.

Most pressing in my mind, beyond the need to seize on this real momentum to organize the South, is the question of what the fuck is wrong with white people.

Why are so many white women voting for these monsters?

Oh of course, there’s no one solution. But I have been a lifelong liberal in red states and half the time we have no one to vote for and the party doesn’t put any money behind anyone, and the rest of the country calls us cousin fuckers.

I’m not shitting on Alabama tonight.

There was a pretty sizable push to illegally register out of state voters to vote in this election. Probably not as large as the difference in votes, and probably even less successful, but it is still a concern that should, sadly, be looked into.

Joking about this is almost too real in the current era.

The percentage is now 1.5%. It doesn’t mean Moore can’t ask for a recount, but if he asks his lawyers, once of which is a Jew from what I understand, they will probably tell him that would be a really dumb idea.

While I agree with the sentiment, let’s not go insulting shoe shines and toilet cleaners. To a man, they have more dignity and class than Trump.

Ok you fuckers, I’m gonna rant on you all. You make fun of the state I live in constantly. And even now you whine about the margin. Do you shitheads know how hard it is to take this state away from the rednecks? From the rural crazies?

Not sure if anyone saw it, but ahead of the election and after Trump’s attack on Gillibrand, USA Today had this intro on their editorial:

Donald Trump threw the full weight of the White House behind Moore.

I hate to resort to capitals, but a quick note to Bannon, McConnell, Trump and the rest: