jack scheiße

If the truth of someone’s heartfelt opinion — gathered and molded over decades of honest exploration and various strange experiences — about how people can be happier by changing their societal norms and behaviors is too much for someone, then it’s only because they don’t give a shit enough to entertain an idea that

I haven’t been able to be insulted or offended for over two decades now. For a long time, I have tried to understand the truth while also trying to keep an open mind to misconceptions or bad conclusions that I may have or reached. As such, I enjoy engaging people in these ideas because I believe these ideas to be very

I totally agree with you, but I have to say that I find your post hilarious that, for all the evil, backwards thinking Trump and his cronies are perpetrating upon the world, they have the ignominy — the TEMERITY, even — to foist such suffering upon those of us who try — really, truly try — to use the English language

Well, “hanging in their” is a part of any successful marriage, for sure. We have had to be patient with each other at various times as the other was struggling through their particular brands of selfishness/unwokeness.

Yes, that’s the sad truth and alcohol and its disinhibiting effects only make matters worse.

With his 1950's mindset, that’ll buy 20 loaves of bread, lots of hard candy, the latest Action Comics and some candy cigarettes.

1. Dude’s name is Scott effin Speed?

Isn’t bringing down the FBI just a side-effect of defending Trump by attacking the investigators?

And Nunes is so obviously dumb. I mean, his face. Every single pic.

I was talking about Nixon, and I agree with you in general, but those guys didn’t have to deal with digital anything back then. Still, Nixon’s analog tapes were dumb for sure.

You’re his huckleberry.

And that knowledge of their shady-ass dealings perfectly describes the look on Kushner’s face in EVERY single picture I’ve ever seen of him since he got to the White House.

It’s insane how the corrupt bastards make so many dumb mistakes. I love it.

Hmm, I thought we were well past that point.

That sentence is a work of beauty in making me smile.

Parse failed. Please re-send expectations. 

I maybe only caught the tail end of the Tomato Troll thing.

I bring up the root of sexual desire because it is our subconscious animal imperatives that are the root of all our tribalism and reprehensible male behavior towards women.

And one more thing...

Nothing I say on here is “a work”, that is to say, a persona or some kind of lying or provocation. It is all my honest perspective on my life and life as I see it.