jack scheiße

Oh, now I’m the “tomato troll”, huh?

Tomi Marchant is a liar and a true troll.

Sure, that’s true. I even knew a couple who had “taken care of all the firsts on the first night”, in their words.

Brad Pitt. George Clooney.

Absolutely none, but my experiences as a “normal American” were enough to teach me the foolishness of basing a relationship on sexual attraction.

My wife and I did not physically touch a single time before we were married, and now over 13 years later, our marriage just keeps getting better, and it’s fantastic already.

“Make America Gape Again”

The IP ownership problem is vastly simpler in a case like yours (liberal arts, IIRC), but in something like biochem or engineering, the facilities/equipment are so costly (to purchase and run) that just letting the researcher take their IP with them out of the university justifies (to me) their keeping the IP, though

The root of the problem here is that it is the university system has sold their souls to the product of its own creation: the business and econ schools’ corporate mandate to profit by all means possible. In cahoots with their law schools, they have used their influence, capital and know-how to legalize every means of

Thanks for the great work, Ms. Roller.

I’m glad he/she showed up.

Because the force of evil within our hearts and minds can not be fully defeated without Divine help — it is the design of human nature. Sure, you aren’t susceptible to some of the vices — perhaps some of the more destructive ones like rage or hatred — but that doesn’t mean you have manifested the active virtues like

The force of evil in this world works upon our hearts and minds from within, sounding exactly like our own inner voice. Religion is the science of strengthening ourselves against that force, which is ever seeking to pit us against each other.

There is only one religion — the Religion of Complete Absorption into Love — as manifested in many forms spread across all of the cultures of the world.

Thanks, bro/sis.

People don’t want to accept the truth of the necessity of love for our Creator and ALL our neighbors.

That’s because I love you, and for we Sufis, loving someone means wanting them to be perfectly happy. And my love for you has clarified my intuition and felt your words and the troubled person behind them.

I am not the reason you are unhappy, my friend.

Very nicely said.

It is a sad person, indeed, who believes that they’ve experienced all there is to experience, or met every level of person that is possible to meet.