jack scheiße

As with all human beings, pastors are judged by their heart’s intentions and their subsequent actions. Whether pastors start off with good intentions and then succumb to the temptations of power within a position they are almost certainly not ready for, or were con men from the start, it certainly doesn’t appear that

Pastor Burns’ last name is perfect for a fake Christian leader who will burn in hell.

Are you replying in the right thread?

HA! Too true ;-)

Yes, indeed!

For the record, I was referring to the corporations here, not the citizenry.

It was a SC ruling that allowed the creation of Super-PACs, which are the unthrottled corporate bribery channel to the politicians.

Not Lavoisier.

“If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don’t understand quantum mechanics.”
— Richard Feynmann, from his “Character of Physical Law” series

Especially since the Supreme Court unlocked corporate donations.

There’s the message you speak and there’s the message you live.

The lies they tell themselves are even worse because they are the justification for being a bunch of callous, corrupt bastards serving corporations that are destroying the Earth and enslaving its peoples.

The truth always seems brutal to the willfully ignorant for they get violently defensive when confronted with their ignorance and the negative ramifications of it.

Yeah, that’s how people react when they have no more points to make.

But with the spiritual path, if you don’t have the faith to take the leap, you simply can not know the truth that I know after having walked this path for over 15 years.

Nope. Not. One. Bit.

Bravo, Ms. Roller. Bravo.

No one’s taking my William Gibson from me, my friend ;-)

That’s why I posit that taking a few years off would be a good thing for the Earth and our societies, even if a few diamonds in the rough lose out.

Let’s converge this to the other thread. Reply there, please.