
" Or there’s the Castithan spy, threatening to rape Irisa (apparently having missed years worth of conversation about how tired rape is as a shortcut to grittiness)."
Irisa had just come out of the pod and couldn't kill the Castithan was expected but that she ran away and didn't even try to defend herself let us know

They are going to have to do some twists on Mark's backstory if he doesn't know since he was breed to be a super soldier. And Paul knows but didn't say anything so that needs an explanation as well.

Sarah couldn't risk herself with Kira in danger. Helena left knowing she needed to stay close in case all hell broke loose…which it did. Sarah knows Helena is a survivor so Kira will always come first and Helena knows that.

Sarah getting "dressed down at Dyad" was for a good reason. They were showing her she no longer had any say about anything. They let her know that they didn't care about her only her biology. They let her know right away she wasn't a person just a lab rat.

You think Helena is domesticated and dull? Let's see she killing the psycho cult leader in a crazy a@@ fashion and burned down their farm. And now it's Helena again a super secret army unit. Do you really think she's just going to wimp out and do whatever they say?

I read that but then they were planning on killing him off in an earlier episode. They were going to have Paul take him out. So there is room for movement with his character. And since Paul is part of Castor, he would have known Mark is a clone when he met him. So Castor has to know that they have a runaway clone

Agree. And that's why I want to know how Felix came to be with Mrs. S. Still so much to know about her.

How about Alison, Felix and Art go to break out Helena who is halfway out the door having shown them a little of the old Helena. They get separated and Alison and Helena go to one of Helena's old safe places in Europe. Alison doesn't speak the language so she has to stay with Helena in a dirty, junk food filled hole

And how would they know that unless Mark told them?

I think she captured the Castor crazy clone because something went wrong with Castor's training. I would say he's the Castor Helena but we know why Helena was/is psycho killer crazy and have learned to love her. We don't know if this male clone is just psycho or did they do something to make him that way? And if so

They may want to know why she has almost super healing powers. They may not know she has been impregnated. That knowledge would have come from Mark if he is a spy for Castor—which we don't know yet.
The male clones would have been created from the same science as the females so they are most likely sterile. So many

Helena knows that she doesn't know what to do with her harvested eggs but the others will. She left them in the care of her sestres. We saw when Duncan gave the book to Kira that they held the answers and he let Kira know the book was special and to be protected. We don't really know if Kira has healing powers but we

We don't know who/what Cal is. There is that hint of former military. He's obviously a cyber geek. He has tons of money and shady connections. Lots of questions about Cal.

I'm interested in seeing where they go with the male clones. Does Mark know he is a clone? Did he really desert or is he a Casper spy? How will the male clones feel about being breed as disposable soldiers while the women were allowed to grow into there own (although being monitored)? And what oh what does the Army