
Its more a quantity thing - do you have three of each of the two you have? E.g., do you have three cats? Three blogs? Three bumper stickers on your car/vehicle? If not, you’re safe. If you do, please take a straight razor to your car (its the easiest way to scrape off the bumper stickers - use a little Windex as a

Its expensive in the sense that you are losing wages. While a business has to provide you the time to vote, they do not have to pay wages. Given that most polling places experience 1+ hour waits, and that many districts either had limited absentee/early voting, it becomes an expense. Also the consolidation of polling

Did you actually click the link and look at the title page? “E-cigarette use among youth and young adults”... As for chapter 3, look for page 120: Subheading: Secondhand exposure to constituents of e-cigarette aerosol (in chrome, hit Ctl-F to search the document). And yes, e-cigarettes are the same thing as vaping.

Except that as a cost-risk ratio, settling is always good for the party doing the settling. You get to dictate under what terms the cash will be paid out, and you get to dictate what the other party can and cannot say about you. And by settling quickly, it essentially puts out the media interest. No body to get drug

Its ‘required’ under the individual mandate. As for how to make it affordable, that part is simple too. Simply exclude people with pre-existing conditions (those that you know will be using the service) and make the policy so limited that if someone does attempt to use it its essentially worthless. Oh. Wait. No. Thats

Getting on the level of a new dog is dangerous. It can appear confrontational and the dog may become nervous/aggressive. ALWAYS let the dog approach you and set the tone for the encounter - if the dog seems apprehensive ignore it so that it can get a sense of who you are. Dogs absolutely stand on ceremony - if you bum

How about actually being an adult and talking with the person? You know, actually verbalizing what has ticked you off, and either a) asking for an apology, or b) letting them know how you want the situation rectified. No aggressive response of any type is required.

At least for THC yes. There was court case in Colorado I think in either 2016 or 2015 where an employee tested positive and was fired. Sued for wrongful termination and lost even though they had a valid script.

This is more ‘prevent or know you’re at risk’ rather than ‘avoid death’. Granted our culture tends to want to avoid it at all costs, but I mean, seriously. Nobody is gonna live forever. This is where talking with your loved ones about what *you* want and living life the way *you* want to come in. Ya, these are risk

No. It actually assumes more than that. It assumes that people who support Mr. Trump actually read this blog. It also assumes that people who support Mr. Trump are capable of rational, critical thought. Neither are supported by empirical evidence.

Sorry. 5th. 5th Amendment.

You actually do have the right to decline questioning by the police as far as you have the right to not answer. All you have to say is “I’m invoking my 4th Amendment right to silence” or “I want an attorney” or “I want to remain silent”. All you do have to give (at least in the state of Ohio) is your name, your day of