Personally, I think that people that call someone evil and choose to do nothing would do nothing regardless of whether or not they know the logic behind the evil. (see: Sandy Hook. There’s no mystery there. Just a lot of inaction)
Personally, I think that people that call someone evil and choose to do nothing would do nothing regardless of whether or not they know the logic behind the evil. (see: Sandy Hook. There’s no mystery there. Just a lot of inaction)
I figure since he’s implying that the only reason he got cancelled were the domestic violence charges, it’s fair to bring up the other things he did that might have gotten him cancelled.
Couldn’t a paternity test has solved this from the onset? I mean, even if he convinced a court he was gay, gay people have fathered children before. It’s not a conclusive defense against a claim for child support.
Nice try there. I wasn’t comparing the vaccinated versus those that have had COVID and whatever you claim it does to an immune system. I was comparing someone with vaccinations and the unvaccinated (as you initially claimed to be without mentioning having caught COVID before). In case you were wondering, there’s no…
If you liked it so much, maybe you can join the rest of us here in reality.
Oh wow. That’s your smoking gun? That scientists aren’t claiming the vaccine stops the spread? I suppose it was inevitable that you couldn’t keep up with basic news, let alone actual science. Here’s a simple timeline that you might be able to follow (hopefully).
At a 2% death rate, odds are you would have been fine. Of the 100+ people you’ve probably infected, odds are you’ve killed at least 2 of them. They were not fine.
The hilarity of it is that this is something racists complain about too. They have some kind of theory that black on black crime is being covered up by the media in order to make white people look bad or something.
I feel this is not quire there either. For example, people with costume fetishes don’t always (or even often) have spouses who are willing to wear costumes or any sort. Even during Halloween, despite how reasonable that is. In this example, a cosplay fetish is neither specific nor exclusive.
I’m confused. The song seems to mock Biden for overreacting to the balloon. As I understand it tho, Greene was super into the idea of shooting it down.
Is it some kind of money laundering scam? I mean, incel crazies are gullible, but 2K-USD-for-a-text-scroll-and-background-images crazy? (Yes, I know the answer is probably yes, but still... )
While I get Suletta is clearly being portrayed as a sociopath or something, calling it a warcrime is a bit of an overstatement no? An armed dude was about to murder her fiancé. The weapon she happened to have to prevent that was giant robot hand. Give her a couple of tears and a catchy theme song playing in the…
As I understand it, the military is often forced against its will to declassify documents after a period of time passes (ugh. just realized the f-16 is 50 years old already).
I feel that, though you also gotta think about possibly getting killed and leaving your *own* kid without a parent.
So simplify it for us then: Cox supports the Gender Recognition Bill. He also defends Rowling. Does Cox accept trans people as human beings or not?
It’s pretty common for people to hold grudges for far longer over lesser offenses. Is it so different just because the dominant emotion isn’t rage?
On his own, kinda. But C3P0 comes as part of a matched set with R2. Their banter was part of foundation that made up the original trilogy.
Sorry for the late response. I’ve been out of town. Anyway, care to elaborate on how Juvie is going to wreck this kid’s life? My understanding is that the big problem with getting tried as an adult is that your criminal record is tends to follow you for life. Juvinile cases are sealed tho, aren’t they? If so, he…