
I took it to mean that in the battle specifically between Rick's Coalition and The Saviors, Rick's group was gonna be the one left standing. She's not saying that they're destined to survive, just that they'll survive longer than those Negan kneelers.

McKinnon doing a Jodie Foster impression when she's playing Warren is an interesting choice.

You try being involved with any sort of legislation over the last four years. If you've noticed, Mitch McConell ain't exactly about that bipartisan compromise. On what planet would he have allowed his members to work with Elizabeth effin' Warren? Symbolic legislation that would, at best, be vetoed by the president

"And I’m sure the article has nothing to do with wanting to suck up to
Power; stay on Power’s good side; maybe get a scrap someday from Power’s

Thought I'd never say it, but: Lena Dunham is not the asshole in this situation.

I don't think the left has exactly claimed LaBouef as one of their own. Nobody claims LaBouef, really, he just starts showing up.

-"You really should have worn something more appropriate to your grandfather's funeral."
-"I rebel."

In the entire history of the country, Democrats who came even CLOSE to winning at the national level were all… wait for it… white as fuck. Until one wasn't. In the entire history of the country, Republicans who came even CLOSE to winning at the national level were all… wait for it… professionals with political

If the last couple years taught us anything, I thought it would be to at least dispense with conventional wisdom like this. Did you SEE what just happened? The rules of the game are in flux, to say the least. I don't know how you can be so confident about "electability" when clearly no one knows what the fuck that

So that would be like… POWs that gave up before the fight began?

Nothing. It means… nothing. Or rather, like the Ghostbusters remake, it'll mean a lot to people on the internet before meaning nothing at all to the real life prospects of the film.

::dons skepticism hat::

Well every couch is a farting couch…

Clearly, everyone but the people who voted for this monster are at fault here.

::collapses on fainting couch::

I'm so sick of this kind of defeatism. Anything that is not an all-purpose silver bullet for defeating every possible incarnation of Trumpism will be shouted down by a consistent section of the commentariat, because world-weariness is a pose that never goes out of style. Yeah, this fun little hashtag will not in and

You JUST got done pretending you care about e-mail servers! Do you
really want to pretend you care about college hiring applications

Yes, McConnell making a completely unforced and tactically braindead error is "the Left being too clever for our own good". He let impulse get the better of him and then doubled down with an equally ill-advised statement. I know liberals love nothing more than to do scold other liberals, but doing that here is really


Like Shaq taking a free throw, you're missing the point.