Yes, that was very rough. But “The Cissy” from a few seasons back is probably one of the most sympathetic takes on transgender issues I’ve seen on TV.
Yes, that was very rough. But “The Cissy” from a few seasons back is probably one of the most sympathetic takes on transgender issues I’ve seen on TV.
[sees how terrible Kinja still is]
You’re right, they have totally laid off Trump in the ZERO episodes they have made since the election!
“I passed by there en route to my wine cellars for a ‘79 Margaux and couldn’t help but notice your room smelled distinctly of fart.”
Damn it, that got me good. They didn’t knight that guy for nothin’.
Norm is on it? I was already planning on watching it because Seth McFarlane is actually really funny no matter how much internet people like to bag on him(best Oscar host in a long time, that’s for damn sure), but Norm really sells it for me. Woot!
I don’t mind the new comment system as much as just the new layout of the site which is a total mess and nearly impossible to navigate.
Nerd journalists love the smell of their own collective farts.
I like the deal when I hit “View more comments”, it takes me back to the top of the thread and I can re-read the comments I already read.
Watch, Skip or Binge Kinja?
I can relate to your last sentence, though in my case what I felt as I watched 18 was anxiety that it looked like it was going to be disappointing, followed by the dawning realization that it was indeed disappointing. Then, once it was over, some anger and feelings of alienation. I felt that way after the first time I…
I had a problem with that too. She’s a smaller character, which would definitely make her a placeholder, and that’s OKAY. but the writer decided to try and make his review more interesting by exploiting racial subtext - even at the cost of making other REAL conversations about race less important, because that’s what…
“Naido being reduced to a placeholder for Diane is another example of Lynch’s clumsy sidelining of non-white characters.”