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    Curious what you mean by “typical”?

    It wasn’t hidden. The title is intentionally misleading. Clickbaiting an important issue is pretty weak stuff.

    Did you say the same of the photo of the little boy in Aleppo sitting shell-shocked in the ambulance. Or the photo of the drowned boy’s corpse that washed up in the Med? Or the photo of a terrified Elian Gonzalez being snatched by a cop?

    It’s not “the” response. It’s one response. Among a sea of millions of responses. That one department may have made fifty other responses just to heroin us, and just that one day.

    C’mon. I know Deadspin has conditioned its commentariat to focus on political correctness more than the sports themselves, but come on.

    ... but none of the acronyms.

    Wow thanks for this. Please tell us there’s more. Better yet: tell us more.

    “Choose another hill to die on.”

    You’re being quite patient with Lars. He’s picked a strange hill to defend. - it seems fairly clear that the dude exposed himself deliberately. Short, cut-off jeans on men are so rare that it seems unlikely this ball display was an accident. His failure to promptly conceal them is further evidence.

    God Bless Texas.

    Oh they could put it on Jezebel. The rape culture-y way he waited in that airport. The bigoted way he exercised race and gender privilege. This is a big T-bone steak for Jezebel. Uh-oh, I just wrote “bone”; the Jezzies are gonna “pile on” me now. I regret nothing!

    Under the totality of the circumstances, this is most fairly described as a ransom payment (as part of a broader butt-fucking by Iran in the whole negotiation related to nuclear access, etc.). The $400MM had been in dispute for decades. To suddenly pay it now leaves no conclusion other than a capitulation by the

    Wait, wait. Your take is kinda backwards.

    I think 7 is pushing it for many people. And 4 is out of the question for the West Coast. Buying the entire Western US an hour’s viewing time, even if it’s on the back end because none of us can get home for the start even with an hour’s delay, could mean a big boost in viewership.

    Mary Carillo has always been my favorite tennis commentator. Side note: she was a pro player, and grew up playing at the same tennis club with the McEnroe brothers as kids.

    Seconded. Providing that info could even get someone to check out a game/graphic novel/whatever that the reader didn’t know about previously.

    No, it’s not sensible. The Olympics is not the time to get younger players experience. The Olympics are when you bring your best squad to, you know, go for the gold. Leave her off the team for lesser competitions, sure. I guess if we’re quite sure she’d be on the bench, it’s much a more defensible choice, though.

    I don’t get it, but I am very curious?

    Yeah, she’s got it rough ;) Rich, gorgeous, on a date with Bradley Cooper. In a luxury box. At Wimbledon. All thanks to her looks, not exactly long hours in the office. I feel like she and Cooper boned their way through the rough patch shortly afterwards. So probably all is well.

    Way to make this 100% about you.