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    Surely the difference is obvious?

    The four methods of birth control (out of 20 options, I believe), including Plan B, at issue in the case don't seem like the options used for treating the conditions you mention.

    And in any event, we have to be intellectually honest here. This heated issue, and the outcry over this case, has nothing to do with using

    Calling birth control "healthcare" is redefining reality to suit an agenda.

    There are dramatically different varieties of depression, it should be noted. This piece addresses only the most common.

    Lefty, someone just pointed out that I misdirected a comment to you, rather than kmddc. My bad!

    The closest thing Jezebel, and Lindy West in particular, gets to journalism is the cute cat videos. Those are verifiable.

    Hmm looks like I replied to the wrong comment. Some ass, apparently kmddc, called Mapp "racist" for some reason.

    Not really, though. Any extra fat on a man is considered unwelcome. But women's first 15 or 20 extra pounds is often deemed awesome, adding as it does to breasts, hips, and general curves.

    There's two sides to that coin, though.

    Lindy West is frequently inaccurate, and just as frequently incoherent.

    How on earth did you pull that from Mapp's comment?

    You referred to desirous use of "respectful" terminology, in one of your subsequent comments. My comment responded to that, not whether you individually want respect (though it's hard to imagine you/anyone doesn't...).

    Sooo, you should probably not drop by Jezebel.

    It seems inappropriate to start a new thread on this.

    If you want 'respect,' contribute to the substantive topic discussion: this disturbing incident.

    Well, it may often be considered so by people who devote a lot of time to such sensitivities and like to use the term "cis-" outside of a college seminar.

    Yes, it's been made clear. Lizzy Seeberg's own written police report was released to the public, for example. There was no allegation of rape. There were no genitals, or genital touching, involved. The reporting on the event, and the blogging like this one, has been dreadfully agenda-driven. Thank you for

    Erin, I am a former varsity athlete at Notre Dame. You really disgrace yourself, and your blogger/journalistic integrity, with your writings about the football program in general and the Prince Shembo incident in particular.

    The accusation against Prince Shembo was not rape. It was, by the "victim"'s own account, an unwanted breast touching during a hookup. And when she said stop, he did. Cough.

    It probably won't be NASA. It probably will be a Marconi or a Tesla. I hope.