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    DP, oops.

    Yes, quite right. She has not been at all open-minded or flexible in these comments; she wouldn't modify her position in light of learning new facts, nor actually respond to many specific items brought up to her or questions asked. Not cool, not too uncommon though. Best of luck to you too.

    Yes, I had noticed that. It doesn't explain the other things I mentioned though (your comments never appearing grey, mine starting out white but being changed to grey, my grey comment(s) turning white when starred, but then going back to grey).

    I'm not clear on the greying thing. Your comments don't appear grey to me ever. And mine appear to be white (even when I refresh to test things) for several minutes ... until you respond.

    Soooo ... that's a yes - you're greying out comments? And not evening owning up to that when asked?

    Throwing a lazy "racist" smoke bomb and running for cover isn't exactly an upgrade in your commenting. And, I see, KatsuoTataki again points out your factual errors (and now, your refusal to acknowledge those errors).

    Can Jez please stop with the 'silly, quirky list of non-sensical things as a way to criticize a list we don't like without having to actually write coherent critiques' trope?

    Well, you're transparently ducking most of my response to you (as you did with my first comment). Even setting that aside, your response is kind of pathetic.

    Being overall far more accomplished and attractive is not "unearned privilege." It's superiority.

    Wow that is some revisionist history.

    Carl's Jr.'s bacon western burger for example. Adds onion rings and barbeque sauce!

    She has a very quick wit. Her twitter feed has some amazingly funny tweets. They can't all be home runs, though.

    She has a very quick wit. Her twitter feed has some amazingly funny tweets. They can't all be home runs, though.

    Why have Lindy West do this?

    On the flip side, though, Haden was pretty freaking patient and loyal through a lot of Kiffin failure and a lot of shenanigans.

    Carl's Jr. also made a great commercial with a simple shot of a burger and a caption something like, "Somewhere, in a dorm room on the East Coast, a student from California is dreaming of this...."

    Ah, I see what you're saying. I was under the impression that late babies are pretty common, especially for a first time mother. Seems like a lot of women could get pregnant within a few weeks, and that would be within a convincing enough fudge factor time frame. If doctors have that timing down to a 'science', as

    I just re-read the response I just wrote to you and it comes across as pretty combative - that's way more than I intended. Sorry 'bout that!

    Um, but they'll be having sex during the first weeks. So she could actually get pregnant as soon as the night she first makes her false claim. She'd have weeks to work on getting pregnant and still fit in a non-suspicious timeframe.

    Tl;dr of the below: I've got the facts I need; it's actually you who doesn't.