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    What here is condemnable?

    Oh my god this was hard to read.

    Ah, the Lindy West approach to opposing arguments:

    The same flaws keep showing up in your comments:

    You didn't answer my question. Do you think she might well have conned you?

    You are so wrong. A fairly skilled woman has a good shot at avoiding, or weirdly managing to convince/manipulate the man enough to evade those tests. Heck, even several women here on Jezebel have mentioned in their comments that they'd be furious at a request for confirmation of pregnancy.

    Okay, but the bulk of your comments suggests you really don't know how many people, how much worse the tricks get, and just how skilled some people are that pull these things off.

    I just gave you more ways that this can play out than the mere two scenarios you are willing to see this 'play out.'

    Nothing Jan said amounts to the chances being "pretty much nil." There's an awful lot of one night stand pregnancies - enough to invalidate Jan's and your 'pretty much nil' assertion.

    That's good advice, but so many times the worst women are great at hiding their craziness for a long time.

    That's only the average. As the zillions of one-night stand pregnancies show, the average by definition doesn't apply to many, many people.

    Wow. There are many worse things out there than what you see as the 'at most' case. A lot more.

    She's not saying MRAs are always right, or that - if their contending that womeon everywhere are now trapping their boyfriends with fake pregnancy." She's just saying that they'd be correct to advise caution given that threats like this are lurking out there.

    Well said. I could have written the same thing from my experiences.

    Please, someone, take one for the team and take this guy up on his ad. Just for a date or two, then let us know all about it!

    I know! They're so rarely good enough to be worth it. Especially when it's use number 1001 of the same .gif!

    Actually, contrary to the interpretation by most in this thread, my point is not "misandry," it's Jezebel's frequent hypocrisy.

    Yep. It's part of my point, actually. Contrary to the interpretation by most people in this thread, my point is not "misandry" or some such, it's Jezebel's frequent hypocrisy.

    Kinda looks like her Dad's holding the camera and his daughter posted it. If it's a she- selfie, the point remains that the only one with a woman in it is proffered by Jez because of the hated man in it.

    I feel that way too sometimes, yet I've managed to hang in there .gif-less!