Yeah, exactly what I'm saying.
Yeah, exactly what I'm saying.
Yeah - it's a smokescreen they give to help enable them to restrict abortion. It's not intellectually honest toward the public.
Thanks! The preliminary injunction order is proving elusive. I could get it from PACER for us, but you can't link to PACER and I don't know how to attach a .pdf to a comment. So here is a link to the temporary restraining order (which is a pre-preliminary injunction) the judge issued a few weeks ago as a placeholder…
[Redacted because it's in the wrong spot!]
Would you care to link something setting forth the judge's rationale? Seems like kind of an important part of this news....
[Redacted because there actually is one single paragraph in Sara's answer to the letter reader that makes your comment reasonably responsive.]
How about this: actually state a position, rather than just misstate a gross mischaracterization of mine back to me?
Y'know, you could have just trimmed your comment to "It looks like revelry to me, and I identify with it." Fine.
Really? Three young women stumbling drunk, one of them so drunk the others are supporting her while waving around open containers, and all three overweight ... that's an image you love? It seems like there's almost nothing positive about it.
Your views, while not PC, often fit well within the mainstream, yet you present them so bluntly that it infuriates the commentariat. You're going to be fun to watch. Until Jezebel nukes you from orbit.
It is weird that your comment is in the grays....
She apparently actually is a superb baker, tho. This blind item is her.
Yes; yes we do.
You want to be inside the tent peeing out, not outside the tent peeing in. That'll cover it. Maybe that's what she meant, now that I think about it!
What do "sex positive" and "sex negative" mean?
Is the 'no-faces' rule true of all crimes? Even, for example, financial crimes like bribery? What about names? Can names be published? If so, then the faces rule makes little sense.
If she's cool with it, then I'll shut my trap and mind my business.
TL;DR of the below - you didn't scoop s%*t. You did try and hijack Laura Beck's piece with your comment, though.
I doubt you're unsure what my comment means - I think you're pretending to be.
I'm sorry, don't you write porn or something, or is my memory off? And you want to knock athletics?