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    Jesus. She's not being "treated like she's on trial."

    I just want to say that your comment is the fairest, most succinct comment in this whole thread. And I'm kind of annoyed, but not surprised, that it hasn't been de-greyed.

    I'd be interested in your, and your wife's, thoughts on the ethical question that was posed to me, which I just asked the OC, Hello_My_Lover. It's pretty thorny. It seems to address the women-in-medicine question from the perspective of our society's needs, kind of the the flip side of the coin from the doctors'

    This reminds me of something an eminent doctor and psychiatrist once said to me.

    The piece is exactly 24 hours old. Lemaitre's comment is, obviously, less than 24 hours old. Your comment is 23 hours old.

    Give me a break.

    You don't think they'd fire a man who called female players 'whores'? I think they very well might.

    Um, for an advice column to go-getters about doing a great job, this piece has a lot of errors.

    Ah, that's where it went, thanks.

    By the way, where'd did our thread go? If you try to go it, you get a "No discussions found" result. Huh, I wonder what happened?

    Um yes, it should. I think that's what I was getting at. Weird you read it differently.

    I disagree with every sentence you just wrote!

    Welp, that stat sounds ... incomplete.

    I don't know if he did it on purpose, but I think the commenter points out that the Jez post is itself kind of 'missing the point,' or at least an important factor.

    Oh come on. It's a pretty darn reasonable assertion that most men generally prefer thinner, fitter women.

    Lindy manufactured an imaginary person. Then she wrote a column addressed to that imaginary straw man. Therein she used said strawman as a scratching post for her internal misery and personal misandry. Again.

    And what is the message of this?

    Well, here's a few reactions:

    No, I didn't.

    As noted below, the Catholic Church does recognize evolution. Indeed, modern genetics was pioneered by Catholic monk Gregor Mendel in the 19th century. Jesus, the ignorance of Church bashers.