
I wasn't aware of that tweet, but am now almost crying with rage/incomprehension/general sadness.

Especially because they said that it was an "exclusively gay moment", which it doesn't seem to be at all.

Even though our two main Rezidentura characters will have left the country, I really hope this isn't the last we see of the Boss Bitch Tatiana. She is far too cool and mysterious to not be on this show.

He definitely said "a couple of kids". But, depending on your viewpoint, "a couple" can mean two exactly, or it can mean at least two.

I knew it wasn't Ethiopia, but I was also super disoriented when that scene opened. I was totally lost until Gaad showed up.

I hope she comes back. I'm just really curious as to what her life is like in Russia. Even if they had no way to write her back into the show, I would be onboard with like a 20 minute webisode about her new life.

The actress is a young looking 22 year old, so it makes sense that she still looks 15.

I would love to see this! Of course, there are no videos of it to be found…