Just a friendly reminder that the Catholic church still sees transubstantiation as a literal phenomenon. Yes, folks, that cracker and plastic shot glass of wine are the literal body and blood of Christ.
Just a friendly reminder that the Catholic church still sees transubstantiation as a literal phenomenon. Yes, folks, that cracker and plastic shot glass of wine are the literal body and blood of Christ.
The literal article you are commenting contains a quote from the detective working the case describing how this specific massage parlor engaged in human trafficking.
yeah thats right
A five-game sweep? Are the Finals a best-of-nine now?
I now realize Pittsburgh plays a key role in the original batshit article, but you’re going to lead with a photo of the Roberto Clemente Bridge, wouldn’t it make sense to give its connection the slightest bit of context this post???
Since she’s not a professional baseball player and public figure, reporters probably have no interest in interviewing her.
I didn’t think it went much lower than the Kardashian bullshit but I was clearly wrong - so much Jezebel love for nasty Cardi and her antics - never going to read another post with Cardi attached to it.
The Immaculate Asphyxiation
The Houston fans were actually just trying to keep the brown guy from getting over the wall.
Are you guys seriously defending her in the comments? You would never say the same of any other woman. She has always been very problematic. She was the better candidate against Trump, but that doesn’t make her a feminist hero. She used to be not for gay marriage, she defended a child rapist as a lawyer and publicly…
At what time does he assault an immigrant?
Replying to myself to state unequivocally that I am not reflexively doubting actor/musician Jimmy Bennett’s version of the story that has emerged.
The Big Bang Theory makes me so angry whenever I watch it. It just fills me with rage and I don’t even know why.
Not half as obscure as the law covering the President’s skincare regime; the Emollients Clauses.
It looks like it means he’s switching to water polo.
Know what else should not exist? Left wing people who judge a book by its cover. Try watching it to find out if it actually IS offensive. You and your ilk are like left wing versions of foxtards who refuse to watch sasha Baron cohen, even though SBC sets up democrats the same he does republicans. Get into the habit of…
Kyrie may want out when hes a free agent, what does that have to do with this year? And that’s a nice cherry-picked stat to show Hayward is a bum, I’m sure Tatum and jaylen are also bums. Horfords pretty bad as well, is he even 7 feet? Having smart and rosier as bench pg’s is no big deal either.
It’s the first time a judge has been recalled in 40 years. That’s not “mob mentality,” that’s a particular judge whose punishment was so egregiously wrong that a shit ton of people got together to throw him out.
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”