
What’s dangerous is calling the cops. That’s what gets people killed.

There goes that sweet, sweet pencil endorsement money.

Who said the person is dangerous? Who said they are there illegally? Why would assume someone who is sleeping in a dorm is any of those things? Maybe it’s just a student who dozed off while busting their ass on a paper that is due. Introducing yourself/talking to another student in your school is perfectly normal. Peop

I’m sorry, what podunk-ass college did you go to? There were literally hundreds of people in my dorm room, I’m not going to visually catalogue every single one of them so that I can decide whether to call the cops on someone taking a nap.

I am a little disturbed though that the black student seems to be playing the victim.

no dude, she’s an awful person and a genuine burden on everyone who has to put up with her, and I’d imagine from your post that you are too. Try not to call the police on your neighbors TOO often this week, you might strain your aching concern for others that just happens to manifest in inconvenience to everyone who

I’m glad you did😊

Anybody who watches The Bachelor/Bachelor in Paradise should be legally obligated to also watch Season 1 of UnReal to find out how much fucked up shit goes on behind the scenes of a show like that.

2010: Hit by a truck > Evan Turner (2)

“Safety meeting” was one of the first things I learned as an Ironworker apprentice. The second was how to roll a proper joint. How to roll a Petey pipe was a 3rd year lesson.