
A weird thing about KCK is how it isn’t really integrated into the metro area the way you’d expect based on geography, it’s just its own strange stand-alone thing. Even stranger now that it’s been essentially absorbed into the county government. KCK is now a suburb of Nebraska Furniture Mart and the Kansas Speedway.

I hope whoever started the “pivot to video” is forced to watch an eternal loop of Joan Summers on video.

This is filthy and brilliant and a tribute to Deadspin commenting.

Alum Jason Whitlock has been avoiding their calls, so Ball St had to do something to get his attention.

I think it’s part of corporate restaurant management training. They feel a jolt if they don’t have music blasting.

Aluminum foil and brown liquor.

Pro-tip: Chiefs fans always make a lot of noise when the other team’s offense is on the field. It will not be personally directed at the offensive assistant.

This is who Pete and Chasten are. They don’t need straight people to pressure them into these decisions, they are naturally square.

I’m going to give myself the gift of not explaining how much I hated the cultural influence of these books.

Jodhi May is 44

Chelsea Manning is engaged in civil disobedience. She chose this battle, and she holds the keys to her cell. One may think that grand juries are worthless at best, but challenging the grand jury’s right to subpoena her is like claiming the divorce court judge has no authority to distribute your assets because of

You’re a dumbass who chose a handle riffing on Lester Bangs and I’m the arrogant one. Sure.

I responded to a comment about America, and how our society values/compensates certain kinds of work. It had nothing to do with how Jezebel chooses to cover Cardi B. Can you really not tell the difference between the thing you’re focused on and the thing other people are focused on? Does the presence of Cardi B in the

Wake me up when there’s an adaptation that acknowledges that Jo is a lesbian.

There are many things wrong with the US;artist makes money” is not one of them.

There are many things wrong with the US;artist makes money” is not one of them.

It’s 100% hogwash. I mean, it’s pretty absurd on its face — neighborhoods that are deemed (by the private sector) incapable of supporting a cut rate grocery store are suddenly going to be profit centers for the even more expensive delivery service? Folks in food deserts will be able to order non-perishables and have

Ok, I just reviewed the OCE report and they didn’t cooperate with the investigation so they haven’t “tried” any excuses yet. The OCE just cited the obviously relevant regulations about marital assets. What the OCE didn’t do was offer a compelling argument for why the assets are not marital. The report cites a

Yes! For people of a certain age, we could go years/a lifetime without hearing a recording of ourselves. I’ve wondered if younger people don’t really experience this due to the ease of recording themselves. Like, they might hate the way their voice sounds but they don’t have that shock of not recognizing it.

Francis’s tenure as pope has been shaped by his somewhat erroneous image as a cool grandpa.