
Please Please PLEASE make this.

Rivian, Porsche, and VW/Audi are doing EV design right. VW/Audi look like a few years’ leap into the future of car design, Porsche is just making a beautiful Porsche, and Rivian is rewriting modern car design altogether. Designers need to get away from the overwrought complex-for-complexity’s sake ridiculousness and

Now they’ve gone all squinty and some seem to have no mouth at all.

Just on this alone, why can’t Tesla reinforce and lengthen the architecture, carve out a functional pickup bed beyond the B-pillar, and offer an el Camino-type truck? They had the perfect opportunity to beat Workhorse and Rivian to the market!

Gentlemen ( and Ladies),

So much win in every line of that movie.

Dialogue between me and my four year old.

I’m pro chrome trim and pep boys fake shit. It reminds you that as George Carlin said:

She’s making me ELONgated. I Musk have her.

That Disney Princess is no pushover.

We’re for state’s rights, except when we’re against them.

He keeps calling Tesla an automobile company. It’s not an automobile company. Tesla didn’t drop billions of dollars in Nevada to make cars, they did it to make batteries. The capital investments Tesla has made to that end in thepast 3-5 years are stratospheric, so obviously they’ve been posting losses.

Look. I know that Tesla has a lot of things to work out. But this, to me, reeks of “scared old man shouting at the future”.

A flamethrower will end up making your commute worse. You need Marvin the Martian’s disintegrating ray gun.

The Geneva convention might outlaw them, but the Second Amendment guarantees my God given right to have a flamethrower for personal protection.

Kind of interesting how he mentions growth of Joi’s character. While I did see her evolve through the movie, the point where K interacts with the giant holographic advertisement made me question whether any of it was real. I think it was all pre-programmed. Even her choice of the name “Joe” was pretty explicitly

Really? The only way that women are real is their relationship to men? This works for Joi and Luv, but how does it work for Lt. Joshi? She isn’t defined by any of the men, and is tender, hard, cynical, etc., a full fleshed character arc, even in a small role. How does it work for the leader of the resistance? While

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