With me it was the woman from Ark II. I was about 6. Dear lord was she pretty.
With me it was the woman from Ark II. I was about 6. Dear lord was she pretty.
Being in the prototype stage, I can imagine these being much smaller and also to the point where the armored vehicles outside design incorporated these into it.
*sigh* I've really been good lately staying away from Bit Torrent and actually watching or renting stuff on Netflix, Hulu etc. Why do you make it so hard not to be a pirate?
Funny...I was just thinking about this movie. I saw it when I was a kid, maybe 1979, and I had no idea at all what the movie was about. I started watching it on TV because there was a spaceship in the beginning.
I have just as many female friends as male friends, and I tend to be the kind of person you can admit anything to without judging...and I keep a secret. There are quite a lot of women who cheat, who you would never think would do such a thing if you didn't actually know. They're also much better at covering it up…
OKay, refresh my memory...but as far as a lucky religious symbol, how much of the brunt of WWII did South East Asia suffer? Luck is a matter of perspective.
"Universally altered"? You live in a pretty small universe. There are millions of people in South East Asia who don't know any more about the Nazis than most Europeans know of Mao Zedong, or most Americans know of the current genocide in Darfur.
Or from people who see this comment right on the front page of io9 because it's "featured".
I'm 41 and I grew up in the tail end of the time where it was considered wrong to be left handed. In fact, I'm Portuguese and my lefty nickname growing up, "canhoto", means The Devil. I went to Catholic school and they tried to make me a righty...it didn't take. It makes me wonder if that's the real trend...that…
Yes, absolutely. I have a very good friend who is a technology hoarder, and he simply will not get rid of files or programs or computers. He has a 20 year old 386 computer hooked up and running because he simply can't get rid of the old useless data and programs on it. It literally took me 3 years to get him to…
I belong to a paintball forum where many of the members wear Aloha shirts when they play instead of traditional camo. I had no idea we were onto something. I just have to remember to run like hell all the time.
Please wear paintball masks when playing "Clever Girl". That is all.
Of the millions of people that watched the Janet boob pop at the exact same moment, only a handful of cranks actually complained. Most were from this small little church where the pastor handed out form letters for people to send in. It was the FCC's reaction that was way over the top.
Isn't there an "L" canon...stuff Lucas was directly involved in? Obviously the movies fall under this, but the NPR radio plays do as well.
I saw this movie tonight in the perfect environment...a Drive-in movie theater with good company. It wasn't really my main interest, and even as I watched it in the background I knew I was enjoying it more than if I was home watching it alone on Blu-Ray and paying more attention to it. It was also on a double bill…
I liked that nobody gave a crap enough about a brief boob shot to make any changes to it. I would have been much more disappointed in humanity if they *did* take the shot out.
Am I the only one who is a little sad that the promise of working from home has started being replaced by workers in India doing my job?
I've been watching Doctor Who since the 70's when I was a kid and I never did notice the sign says "pull to open" either.
I live only a few minutes from HP Lovecraft's grave..it's in a magnificent graveyard and a wonderful place to go for a walk. Strangely, I've never felt the urge to visit his particular grave.
I really expected Amy to pull an "Abyss" at the end and wait 5 minutes and then start pounding on Rory's chest screaming "LIVE DAMN YOU LIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE!!!!!!!"