They really should have made the whole thing shiny black. I mean, have some taste.
They really should have made the whole thing shiny black. I mean, have some taste.
Yes. I'm Portuguese born in America and living in the US. With me it's even more profound since I speak Portuguese exclusively with my parents and the rest of the family when I visit Portugal. Portuguese has always felt like a "Family" language to me. I even start to dream and think in Portuguese when I'm immersed…
It would have been cool if the Doctor mentioned to Nixon that (for some technobabble reason) he had to make sure to "accidentally" erase the high def tapes of the moon landing (since that happened in real life). I can imagine The Doctor saying "Shame really...but it has to be done". Maybe he could have scored the…
I love that he got his Dad to play his older self in the new Doctor Who.
I really think you guys missed the Flame Gun from Logan's Run.
I really think you guys missed the Flame Gun from Logan's Run.
I really think you guys missed the Flame Gun from Logan's Run.
Could be set triggers...pulling one takes the slop out of the other one and turns that one into a hair trigger. I have a muzzle-loading rifle like that.
Could be set triggers...pulling one takes the slop out of the other one and turns that one into a hair trigger. I have a muzzle-loading rifle like that.
Could be set triggers...pulling one takes the slop out of the other one and turns that one into a hair trigger. I have a muzzle-loading rifle like that.
Being a life long metal head who was a teenager in the 1980's I can tell you what we would call someone dressed like that at a show...
Have you ever gone to the Replica Prop Forums? People are anal about getting the details in replica props correct. Adam Savage (of Mythbusters fame) haunts that place is...after years of building pretty good replicas of the gun from Blade Runner...finally getting one down that should be perfect when he's done. …
Hey, it's the bow from the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon! I've always thought that was the coolest magical bow ever created.
The way you worded it, you said you could have one made...that implies paying others to do the work. That means big bucks, at least in America.
I just finished re-watching the entire Farscape series on Netflix. That's the future. I don't even bother turning the cable box on more than maybe twice a week now. Siffy is just in it's death's already dead, it just hasn't died yet.
@Little Dragon, thank you! I've had a lot of REALLY bad things happen to me as a child and I hate when people tell me to just get over it.
Yes, but "words" are just that...without context in the real world they are meaningless. If you're simply someone who doesn't use tools in your everyday life then you don't have the same connection to them. By using tools you understand them at a more fundamental level.
Couldn't it be simply that men know more about tools? Honestly. Forget political correctness...I know paint (the lead kind not the program kind) is not a tool because I'm a guy who's been using tools his whole life. I know it, without even thinking about it.
They're not shotguns, they're Elephant guns. Common mistake...didn't you ever watch Tremors? I kid I kid.
I'm delighted they're going to be blowing up Boston instead of some part of California.