
“Try not to knock her up.” - SO MUCH this.

Absolutely agreed. I was raised by a single mom who busted her ass in a career she never wanted because it paid enough for her to raise me more than comfortably, while my fuckwad of a biological father had to be sued for child support. I want to feel for this guy, but at the same time... naw.

I really like the idea of a counterpoint article from the ex. That would be a valuable perspective.

When my daughter’s father dicked me over with the child support, I took an administrative job in a showroom and unbeknownst to me, one of my duties was to walk their mangy old dog. I hate dogs. Their dog was old and smelly. Ugly too. You best believe I walked that motherfucker and picked up his shit everyday. Fuck yo

I agree with that but my point was that when you have kids to support sometimes you don’t get to hold out for a “career”, you just have to have a “job”, or two or three.

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

What'd I'd like to know is how the mothers of your children were keeping it together all this time.

Yeh dont get me wrong , she has a legitimate concern but voicing it at this time right in the middle of the Nina bruhaha and the recent Shana(Jems & The Holograms) fiasco plus the recent release of one of the most colorist movies in a while “The Perfect Match” it seems a bit insular and tone deaf

Yeah, on the one hand, it’s not great that a(nother) Black actress is being typecast, on the other, I have a bit of a hard time sympathizing with her here, since: 1. she has personally benefited from the system that encourages lightwashing and reinforces colorism. 2. most Black actresses, especially those darker than

I believe everybody’s struggles and lived experiences are real and shouldn’t be discounted but in this climate she may want to consider that in “Divergent” the author of the novel describes her character specifically as“ dark brown and pretty with short hair” yet it it was Zoe who got the role. and in “Dope” ALL three

Anyone else DESPISE the phrase “wifey”?

That’s quite possible. Or he just knocked her up accidentally & is bragging about it to make himself seem like a family man all of a sudden. :(

What a fucking disaster of a relationship. Seriously, a fucking disaster.

Yeah, I mean we all have preferences, but I think we need to actually acknowledge that there are societal pressures and prejudices guiding those preferences and dating people based on a set of stereotypes about their race isn’t healthy.

Honestly I wish we could talk a lot more openly about racial fetishisation without people screaming ‘its just my preference’ loudly. This stuff is scary and its generally rooted in particularly vile sexism.

I’m going to quote this one time, motherfucker, and I hope you can read it here since you obviously didn’t bother to in the piece above:

I am biased in that I believe victims.Full stop. I’m also scared for “wifey” because DV plus pregnancy equals a much higher leathality assessment.

I guess she thought since he only hated black women that she would be safe. I remember when gawker published that trash essay and all the white women who were first in line to defend him and assert their perceived superiority over black women. #teamnoone tbh. She sounds like one of those white women who LOVE to get

And this is why people that fetishize their partners are bad news. I remember his article on dating white women at Gawker being SAVAGED by commenters, particularly black women. Guess they were on to something.

This account describes them each being physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive of the other. Not sure this is the right person to give dating advice.