
PLEASE name 5 mainstream rock bands (that have released albums recently) that are not either pop, techno or folk fusions? I'd love to look them up. Rock music as a genre has been dead since the 2000s

well thats about as good as your going to do these days since there are virtually no bands making rock music anymore. There may be some underground people holding on for dear life but every band with a record label is a rock-pop fusion.

maybe the moral of that story is: dont judge inherently complex human beings by one or two inarticulate statements. We need to start giving people room to grow and make mistakes in public. No one is going to be perfect all the time nor are they going to perfectly mirror your opinions or perspectives on race (an

When I was living in Ethiopia I would have to deal with men following me down the street and trying to grab me all the time. When I would try to vent to a Ethiopian male friend about it he would say "well you need to be walking with a man so they know they cant do that to you". In alot of ways that reaction was MORE

Why do you think that comparing the overall percentage of black-americans in the US to the percentage of black academy award nominees is an appropriate measure? That seems completely arbitrary to me. Actors of all nationalities are nominated for Oscars. For example, Lupita one last year but despite the fact that

black girl here, I shower everyday but have been known to skip if I dont have much going on that day.

I could see showering 2-3 times a day if you live in the tropics or the desert. but in the northern hemisphere that is just wasteful and stupid.

I think he's lying through his teeth or making his continuation out to be more than what it is. I think I it's easy to tell the difference between a rhyme written by a man for a woman and one written by a woman. Nicki rhymes are clearly written from a woman's pperspective imo.

A huge turning point for me was learning about how shame affects your well-being not just emotionally but also physically. It's one of the most destructive emotions and you only hurt yourself by holding onto it. That's when I completely rejected the notion of group shaming for my own health. Especially when blacks

I agree with your point that the boycott is bullshit especially if these folks never had anything to say about all the other trash reality shows on VH1. But additionally I'm really sick of people making statements that these shows "portray all black women in a bad light" because NO the women and men on those shows are

Except they do not represent black women the women on those shows represent THEMSELVES

No they make themselves look like baffoons that is unless you believe group shaming is an actual thing. It isnt, its just a tool of white supremacy.

Agreed regarding the point of why Chapelle quit his show. There were clearly alot of reasons why he decided to leave it beyond the level of satire that some audience members didnt fully grasp. But my point is that the fact that some of the audience is too dense to get it doesnt mean the comedian shouldnt make their

So much of this reaction is people filtering what they see through their own lens it drives me crazy! As an American who has extensive experience living and working in oppressive, dictatorial countries I though Cho's bit was hilarious because I saw her expressing a level of free speech that so many of her people

I see what she's doing here as similar to what Dave Chapelle did on his show. He lampooned stereotypes by using hyper-stereotypes and highlighting how stupid they are. Its satire. I also think she just wanted to take a jab at a dictator which she is well within her right to do as a North Korean woman. my 2 cents

not true, they've worked for my acne. I voluntarily decided to try a different method to treat it bc I didnt want to be on antibiotics constantly but they were effective when I took them.

that reaction you described must be a person to person thing. I've taken it for over a year at a time (lived in malaria zone and used for acne) and had no serious problems. I'm sure I didnt go out of my way to take it on an empty stomach but I cant remember of any upset stomach issues at all.

for real, this song is so cute and catchy. Go Girl!

Now playing

Swagu= Swag sauce. If you have swag it apparently drips from your pores

They are cousins