
I was on a flight to London that stopped in Saudi and despite the fact that we weren't even getting off of the plane we still couldn't have any alcohol on board.

I'm inclined to believe Adnan did it because theres no plausible reason why Jay would implicate himself after the fact if he was not telling the truth. The evidence was thin but there was nothing in the show to make me believe Adnan was innocent, especially since they tried to make Adnan into a sympathetic character

"they both got famous for nothing at all"

LOL @ "blackwash" that was a good one

well said, I've lost all respect for TI and any black people who cape for Igloo Australia. TI is quite literally profiting off of white supremacy and telling black music fans they are "overly defensive" and "incoherent" for pointing out the bullshit. smfh

So happy Nicki is coming into her own as an artist. I really liked the album although I have to skip Anaconda and Only.

Its always the responsibility of oppressed people to, not only explain their own humanity, but also come up with solutions to end systematic oppression.

Exactly, these idiots will pull out every single ancient culture (Mesopotamia, Romans, Assyrians ect) strategically avoiding all of the ancient civilizations of Africa (the cradle of human life) in an effort to dissociate Ancient Egypt from the continent of the country is located on AFRICA....SMDH

And also the fact that Arabs invaded and conquered North Africa in the 7th Century, long after the time period of this movie. Everyone continues to ignore the fact that North Africans of today do not reflect who they were back in those days. Thats like saying European settler colonialist represent (and can take

Chris coming through with such honest commentary makes me want to support his movie so he will continue to give interviews and be in the spotlight!

You believe fleeing from an officer means that person should be shot to death? Shooting to kill and shooting to injure are two different things and if someone is fleeing ,not attacking, the cops need to understand how to injure not kill. Killing someone in that situation is completely unjustified. and it's not a

Bey's dad is such a d-bag. I'm so happy she's showing support for her momma with Ring Off

clearly she's eating at a restaurant not at her house.

I also just love the fact that she thumbed her nose at the "white dress signifies bridal purity" tradition. Everything about this wedding looked beautifully done.

I respect and agree with the points that are being made here, but I dont want to waste energy on something that is not realistic. In this case, people are going to wear what they like and what they think is pretty. And there are plenty of African designers who would love for their clothes to reach wider audiences.

Was that real? I always thought that one had to be staged.....

24, are you kidding????? Iggy looks AT LEAST 35....

and my love/hate relationship with Nicki continues unabated. Shes a good rapper but I'm just tired of hearing about her ass, her tits and how that makes her better than other "basic bitches". its the only thing she raps about....I'm bored

God the fucked up racial politics in this shit...the fact that he was in Japan giving a talk saying "as a white male you can do whatever you want" and the numbers of MOC I see pictured in this article as attendees of this event. It just blows me away that men, no matter what their background, seem to always side with