
the falling out with Dad came way way after they started dating. I may have even happened after they were married.

Thank you so much? how did you get ahold of this? can you post the link? -someone living abroad who hasnt seen the daily show in almost a year

the video is creepy as fuck! did anyone else notice the murderer (complete with Scream mask) fade out from behind her after he goes "this is so hard.but it doesnt have to be" (around 1:57)? plus the woman (who looks like Paula) drowning in end?....ummm no this is cray cray

not the mention the fact that this focus on Uganda is disingenuous AT BEST. Nigeria passed a similar law which criminalized LGBT Nigerians around the same time as Uganda passed the law and the Obama administration looked the other way. Obama didnt threaten to cut off any aid to Nigeria. Why is that? Could it be

Yep I think it was very telling that none of Kanye's family attended his wedding. Or at least there were no reports or photos of them attending. I think he is completely estranged from anyone in his life who may have ever told him the truth about himself. But he's also a raging narcissist so people like that fail

To be fair, the divorce wasnt her fault, her husband was a cheating bastard. But yeah I feel like weddings often tend to be about impressing or showing off to other people and not about the couple involved. But we live in an extremely materialistic culture so I feel like its a symptom of a broader problem. Both of

My sister borrowed at least $7,000 dollars from both of my parents and I assume spent a bunch of her own money. So I'm guessing she spent at least $20,000 on her wedding and the marriage lasted about 3 years so there's that. :/

Right, this is really about capitalism and what capitalism does to workers. What about all the precious Mac/IPods/IPhone devises?? also made under sweatshop conditions in China, the list goes on and on. We need a more holistic critique of capitalism that doesnt attack working people who are struggling to survive in

This entire thread is an example of why I think targeting consumers is counterproductive. Everyone is trying to survive, the sweatshop workers are trying to survive and US consumers are also trying to survive. For some reason people think it makes sense to abuse poor people in the US in the name of poor people on

It always confuses me when people get together under dubious circumstances...and then expect the public to be happy and celebrate their union. Like...What??? Come on, you were both married when you got together.. #justsayin

FGM is common in Ethiopia which is a majority Christian nation

as much as university costs these days?!?! if the students really requested Franco they deserve whatever bullshit he was passing as teaching LOL

Clearly any university that would allow him to teach doesnt give a shit about their students.

WTF did I just read?

I really wish people would stop accepting the idea that companies making billions in profits cant afford to absorb the cost of paying workers a living wage. Of course, 5-20 extra cents for a McDs meal is not alot of money but the fucking shareholders can also take home 1% less profit and do right by their employees

I feels ya. I've been living abroad for about 10 months (6 more to go) in a country where the men are so sexist I would kill myself before ever dating any of them. My vibrator is my best friend right now and I love it.

Yep, I refuse to take sides on this one. I love them both!

I'm American and I've watched a ton of soccer games from start to finish. so there.

I think the point of his show is to be provocative and make people uncomfortable, forcing them to think about these really complex interactions that take place between people. As a black woman, I was super uncomfortable with one of the episodes from season 1 or 2 (not sure) where he fixates on a black woman and

LOLOLOLOL!!! yeah ok