
I’ve done my part as well.

RWD only would be a HUGE letdown.

The worst possible winter tires are still far better in the snow than the best all seasons.

While I’m not the calmest and most patient person in the world, I do keep my ‘rage’ down to ranting about other drivers the majority of the time. The other minority of the time is still usually relatively tame. One exception though, back in 2001, in my ‘99 Trans Am I’d had only about a year at the time, driving home

There are very very few cars out there with suspensions SOOO stiff that the rear bumper doesn’t rise noticeably from weight transfer under hard braking. Whenever I see brake lights come on, it’s simply second nature for me to gauge bumper lift as I apply my own brakes. And for the supercars that this doesn’t work

My respect for everyone else extends to being easy on the throttle in residential areas. Not just my own, but all.

To a moose, most dogs are just odd looking wolves. From that perspective, it should be pretty obvious WHY moose hate dogs.

Maybe it’s a regional thing. While I do see idiots in expensive cars, I wouldn’t quantify it as plenty, only occasionally. Most of the idiots I see are in old hacked up run down crap boxes.

Just to provide a point of reference, the Ford Racing power pack for 11-14 GT advertises a 60ft-lb increase in torque at low RPMS (1500-2500). I can attest from personal experience that it’s nowhere near that. Back to Back dyno showed a max 31 ft-lb increase at 1800 RPM, roughly 25ft-lb increase across that low

your average Fast and Furious wannabe driver ... has access to such an blisteringly fast mass of metal and rubber. 

giant slabs of broad sheet metal

Actually, that just falls under the broadly encompassing umbrella of...

The most common condom size bought is Extra Large, even though most guys end up with a cocktail weenie in a 55 gallon contractor trash bag.

For those kind of people, it’s all about the image. Nothing else matters. Why spend money putting more power in when you aren’t actually ever going to use it.

Even if you’re in an emergency and need to get to the hospital

That’s a VERY ugly road to start going down. Let’s not digress back to the Middle Ages please.

compensate for human flaws

Some 62% of those surveyed in by the auto-valuation outfit “don’t think all vehicles will be fully autonomous in my lifetime.”

Ok, I get it. We just have completely different definitions of the phrase ‘as I damned well please’. Carry on.

If a sink hole opens up in front of me