Ahh... so naive.
Ahh... so naive.
Throw a few corners in the mix and you get a completely different outcome.
All anybody asks for in this garage area is to be treated fairly and we believe we did our job today.
the W10 version is based on the pocket version
Is What Dreams Are Made Of
you’ll do stuff in it that you wouldn’t dare do in your own car.
The average viewer isn’t interested in learning anything. At all.
Instead she assaulted a bike rider who was merely acting like a douche
Build it, and they will come.
Honestly, I’ve never had any interest in car shows. I’ll take a rainy day at an Autocross (as a participant, not spectator) over a sunny day at a car show anytime. I’m not sad in the least. In fact, I’m just plain bored with all the attention Jalopnik has been giving this one event. <yawn>
Clearly not an offroader.
Don’t know if you’re looking for a genuine answer, but...
Making your own online is taking people away from rockstars. End of story.
Hiking the Outback is an adventure.
Not knowing if you are gonna make it or not is half the fun of driving an old car.
well, aside from marrying that knockout of a woman
what the brainiacs at Subaru could come up with
Never going to happen.
Using Minivans and Miatas as power benchmarks = fail.